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503.406.8748 Naturopathic Medicine Portland

Bioidentical hormones are hormones that look the same as the hormones that are produced by the human body.

A lab produces these hormones from natural sources like yam or soy plants. These are not the same substances found in birth control pills or the hormones used in the infamous Women’s Health Initiative study.

Hormones are responsible for a variety of functions like:

  • Mood
  • Metabolism
  • Sexual function
  • Body temperature
  • Energy
  • Blood sugar levels
  • Menses
  • Growth and development

Over the past century, the average life expectancy of men and women has been extended by decades, leaving most people living 30+ years beyond the age-related decline in their hormones.  Bioidentical hormone replacement during this time allows for an extended quality of life, providing cognitive support, energy, and vitality.  Age-related decline is only part of the picture, as medications, chronic stress, poor diet and hormone disrupters in the environment can often cause hormone dysfunction at all ages.

Symptoms of hormone imbalance can include:

  • Moodiness
  • Weepiness
  • Irritability
  • Heavy or frequent menses
  • Weight gain
  • Low libido
  • Fatigue
  • Breast tenderness
  • Hair loss and thinning skin
  • Hot flashes and night sweat

Hormone replacement is a highly individualized therapy.

Each patient has their unique needs to balance their hormone levels and address any symptoms they may be experiencing.

Our doctors might prescribe many hormones including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and thyroid.

Pharmacies can dispense hormones in a variety of ways including topical creams, oral lozenges, intramuscular injections and subcutaneous pellet implants.  When used in reasonable dosages, appropriate combinations, and by replacing only the hormones that the patient needs, these therapies can be very effective at treating existing symptoms as well as maintaining optimal health and preventing many conditions related to hormone imbalances.

Schedule online or call 503-406-8748 and speak with one of our phenomenal staff members to schedule.

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